Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's You by Tony Lucca

soft box

red lights
shine down
from the sky

a bomb in iran

but not today.
i'm afraid
i might die

you can love me, baby.
the light turns
green       above your head

(you have to wave
your hand to get
its attention)

but nobody knows
how to fix it

besides me.

how can it be easy
when my eyes are tired

i cross   across  my heart
i will love you

no matter who
shoots us.

but you gotta
hold me, first.

1 comment:

  1. wow! Leia you have always had a way with words, keep doing what your doing. This one kinda fits how my life is rightnow, Im sending it to Jon if you don't mind, and of course you will get all the credit!! Kuddos!! Thanks! Jessica Jordan
